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Skshm Web World
How windows and designers should be treated.

Web Development and I

/ 3 min read


As mentioned before, I was introduced to the world of programming through HTML. The first IDE I ever saw was Notepad, and the first language I ever faced was HTML.

But the act of picking it up again later, is an interesting story. Involving the act of buying this very domain, as well as procrastinating on actual work.

Unlikely Reasons

This was the time i had been quite interested in assembly, and had successfully written my own bootloader, albeit a legacy version that i am yet to update to boot on my latest system. When I, after looking at RISC-V assembly being a little too pointless for my taste, did I decide to pick up web development. Admittedly it was a partly due to being stuck in College thanks to the mandatory summer camp, where I am yet to realise what i learnt.

I picked up the popular course called “50 Days 50 Projects”. To try my hand at it. It was an overall enjoyable experience and am yet to showcase it here, due to still being reluctant to learn a framework.

Post html boogaloo

Before buying a domain, I tried my hand at templates for jekyll, which was a failure as the only one appealing enough was only host-able on ‘CloudCannon’.

It was after I bought a domain did I consider trying to learn an actual framework, the fact that react was the most popular one was the reason I stayed away from it. Looking at qwik and astro, then landing on astro thanks to the availability of tutorials. Ofcourse the fact that this too, is a customized template at the moment is the result of my own decision to put a placeholder, while I ‘learn’ a framework.

Domain Frenzy

After reading “Steal like an Artist” I decided to use my long list of resources gathed through ages of procrastination to open up websites like awwwards, Httpster and Dribbble, and design my own website. The design, which I am quite proud of, is yet to be implemented, thanks to the aforementioned unwillingness to learn an actual framework.

Though I do hope to one day be able to showcase a ‘where it began’ right here in this page.

Life throws a curve

It is quite ironic that even after pursuing cyber Security and focusing on aspects not involving the html side of the web. That my decision of not joining the trend of paying a certain entity a certain amount of money to be able to use the companies the entity brings in for its students to try and get hired; ofcourse they do have mandatory classes to train you how, wouldnt be an ‘institution’ in india without rote learning and consequences like being ill and not having proof making you ineligible unless you beg; That I ended up with React as a subject, which is the class I attend as we speak, having learnt nothing in the week it has been live.

Will I actually end up learning something that has been the bane of my existence for years? Only time will tell.